Pullman, WA Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer

Rear-end auto collisions occur when one vehicle slams into another vehicle from behind. Some of the most dangerous rear-end car accidents occur when the vehicle in front is moving slowly or is fully stopped, and the vehicle in the back is going at a high rate of speed. This causes a greater force of impact, which can lead to more severe injuries, including catastrophic injuries.

If you were injured in one of these crashes, a seasoned car collision attorney can help. The Pullman rear-end car accident lawyers at our firm can help you gather the right information and take steps to pursue monetary compensation.

The Dangers of Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions can become deadly when a smaller vehicle is rear-ended by a much larger vehicle, such as a commercial truck. A rear-end collision can also easily cause a chain of collisions. For example, a car that was hit from behind might crash into a third vehicle ahead, subsequently causing that third vehicle to hit a fourth vehicle in front of it.

If an individual has been injured in a rear-end car crash, they may be entitled to money to compensate for their damages but should pursue it with a personal injury lawyer in Pullman. These damages may include costs for their medical treatment, lost earnings due to their inability to work, physical pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and much more.

Being Prepared for the Opposition

In even the most cut-and-dry accidents where it is clear that the other driver is at fault, insurance companies will still often try to contest some of the information provided by the victim. This is a money-saving tactic that insurers use to avoid having to pay the accident victim a full settlement.

For example, the insurance company might try to state that the claimant is partially at fault for the accident or injury, or it might claim that the injuries were pre-existing. In these rear-end car wreck cases, it is imperative to have a lawyer in Pullman fighting on the injured party’s behalf to deflect any blame insurance companies try to place.

Call a Pullman Rear-End Car Accident Attorney Today

If you have been injured in a rear-end accident, please contact our office. At our firm, our Pullman rear-end car accident lawyers understand how insurance companies work and how to help accident victims maximize their potential settlement. Contact us so that we can provide you with a free consultation concerning your rear-end collision.